Philanthropy and COVID: Measuring one year of giving
Candid, the organization combined by the merging of the Foundation Center and Guidestar, recently partnered with the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and has just released a report on one year of COVID giving. You can read the report here, but some of their key findings include:
More than $20 billion was warded for COVID-19 globally in 2020
Corporations accounted for 44 percent of the funding
Community foundations awarded more grants than any other grantmaker type (54 percent of total awards)
Gifts by high-net-worth individuals accounted for at least $5.8 billion
An additional combined $14.6 billion was donated through the donor-advised funds of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and Vanguard Charitable
Of U.S. COVID-19 philanthropy to specified recipients, 35 percent of dollars was explicitly designated for BIPOC communities. Because of MacKenzie Scott’s large donations, high-net-worth donors designated a higher proportion of funding for BIPOC communities than institutional philanthropy (corporations, foundations, and public charities)
We think this is an incredibly interesting read and underscores the importance of the work that we are all doing both as fund partners and as a community foundation, in tandem with each others’ goals, work and mission.