Abortion is a queer issue.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade has an immediate and devastating impact on LGBTQ people and our rights. A great many of us do, in fact, get pregnant and need access to safe abortions, irrespective of gender. Some of us, especially LGBTQ youth, are actually more likely than our straight, cisgender peers to have that experience. Millions of us are also women. We live in states with now newly sanctioned abortion bans and restrictions. And queer and trans people are and have always been frontline advocates for reproductive justice. At Stonewall Community Foundation, we know that having access to safe, legal abortions and related care is a queer issue because it affects the lives of countless queer people every single day. Period.

At Stonewall, we also understand that our social freedoms as LGBTQ people begin with our being and our bodies. Whether seeking pleasure, expressing who we are, pursuing wholeness, or managing our health in the best ways available to us, having autonomy—that is meaningful decision-making power—over our own bodies is foundational to the LGBTQ struggle.

This is not to say we don’t see the insidious design of dominos falling or feel deep and rightful concern over “what’s next.” We absolutely do. Likewise, we know that Thomas’ mention of Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell all point to what activists and organizers, across various movements, have been saying for decades: that our liberation is linked, that the oppressive control of the bodies of girls and women, our youth and elders, poor people, all people of color, an entire continent of indigenous people, LGBTQ and intersex people, disabled people, and people who are incarcerated are rooted in a historically racist, sexist, classist, and singular ideology that in this country masquerades as divine moral order.

It is with the above understanding that Stonewall works to fund all LGBTQ issues in a manner that is decidedly intersectional, attentive to the ways our bodies, for the diverse and layered identities we carry, suffer the violence of political attacks like the SCOTUS ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

Stonewall Community Foundation will continue to proudly and deliberately support and act in solidarity with movements concerned with protecting the welfare of any person deciding to get an abortion, as well as the people and providers who care for them.

Stonewall funds critical work that advances our dream of collective liberation and improves the everyday lives of LGBTQ people. Your gift plays a definitive role in making progress possible.