Trends in LGBTQ grantmaking by US foundations

Key takeaways from the 2021 Resource Tracking Report

The 2021 Resource Tracking Report: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations (2023) explores the scope and character of U.S. foundation funding for LGBTQ communities and issues in the calendar year 2021. This 19th edition of the tracking report from Funders for LGBTQ Issues documents the scale of philanthropic support for LGBTQ communities and issues. Here are some key findings:

  • This research finds that foundation funding for LGBTQ issues reached a new high of $252 million in 2021. However, this does not tell the full story, as the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQ community did not necessarily see this benefit. Funding for transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary communities, Black LGBTQ communities, and LGBTQ communities in the Southeastern US has not increased commensurate with total LGBTQ funding. As a sector, we also continue to see an increase in overall foundation funding, meaning that even at this new high, for every $100 awarded by US foundations in 2021, only 28 cents specifically supported LGBTQ communities and issues, with just 4 cents being dedicated to trans communities.

  • Stonewall Community Foundation ranked number six in the Top 10 Funders of LGBTQ Communities & Issues by Number of Grants (2021) (with a big thanks to our fund partners for supporting this achievement!)

  • The report also finds that foundation funding for LGBTQ causes is disproportionately concentrated in a few large foundations and that there is a need for more foundation funding to reach smaller organizations and grassroots movements. (As a principle, Stonewall prides itself as a funder of many small organizations and movements.)

The report makes several recommendations for foundations, including:

  • Increasing funding overall for LGBTQI causes

  • Decentralizing funding to reach smaller organizations and grassroots movement

  • Supporting research and data collection on LGBTQI issues

  • Advocating for policies that support LGBTQI people

The report is a valuable resource for foundations and other philanthropists interested in learning more about funding for LGBTQI causes. It provides data and analysis on funding trends and recommendations for how foundations can better support LGBTQI communities. You can check out the full report here.

Jarrett Lucas