Planning your philanthropy together

Maximizing your impact with Stonewall

Stonewall Board member and fund partner, Isaac Jean-François, embraces Rachel Korberg, Stonewall’s Board President and fellow fund partner, at the 2023 Vision Awards

Philanthropy has always been a powerful tool for creating positive change and supporting causes close to our hearts. It allows us to make a difference in the world and contribute to the betterment of society. When it comes to effective philanthropy, Stonewall Community Foundation offers a range of resources and funds to help you plan and manage your giving strategically. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of housing your fund with Stonewall, ways to make the most of your funds, and the importance of employer-matching gifts.

Understanding donor-advised funds (DAFs) and other forms of funds

One of the key vehicles for effective philanthropy is the donor-advised fund (DAF). A DAF allows you to contribute to a fund, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund to charitable organizations over time. Stonewall offers a variety of funds, including DAFs, to help individuals, families, and organizations easily manage their charitable giving.

Why choose Stonewall for your fund?

  1. Expertise and experience: Stonewall has a rich history of supporting LGBTQ+ causes and social justice. By housing your fund with us, you gain access to our expertise in these areas, ensuring that your philanthropy aligns with your values and has a meaningful impact.

  2. Customized philanthropy: Stonewall offers flexibility in managing your fund. You can work closely with our team to create a personalized giving strategy that reflects your philanthropic goals and priorities.

  3. Impactful grantmaking: With Stonewall's deep connections in the LGBTQ+ community nationwide, your contributions can be directed to organizations making a real difference. The Stonewall team knows the landscape and can help you identify high-impact nonprofits.

  4. Community engagement: Stonewall provides opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. Engaging with our community events and initiatives can enhance your understanding of the issues you care about and amplify your philanthropic efforts.

Ways to Use Your Fund Effectively

Here are some tips to make the most of your fund at Stonewall Community Foundation:

  1. Set clear goals: Define your philanthropic aims (from issues or populations to prioritize and $ targets, to # of organizations supported through your fund). Do you want to support LGBTQ+ youth, advance LGBTQ+ rights, or address specific community challenges? Setting clear goals will help guide your grantmaking decisions. Our seasoned team will partner with you to help you set these goals. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

  2. Research and due diligence: While we absolutely encourage and welcome all fund partners to take the time to research nonprofits and causes that align with their mission, we are also thrilled to assist them in identifying organizations with strong track records and demonstrated impact. Our seasoned Program team is here to help with your research. We thrive as experts in the field and provide our fund partners with necessary due diligence.

  3. Regularly review your strategy: The philanthropic landscape is dynamic. Periodically review your giving strategy and be open to adjusting it as needed to address emerging issues or changing priorities. At Stonewall, we are here to help you reassess your giving strategy as needed so you can achieve your philanthropic priorities.

  4. Leverage matching gifts: Many employers offer matching gift programs that match their employees' charitable donations. This is an excellent way to amplify the impact of your philanthropy. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity by submitting matching gift requests to your employer.

The Power of Employer Matching Gifts

Employer-matching gifts are often an untapped resource in philanthropy. Here is why they matter:

  • Double the impact: When your employer matches your donations, you effectively double your contribution to the causes you care about.

  • Easy and accessible: Most matching gift programs are easy to participate in, requiring minimal effort on your part. Your HR department can provide details on how to initiate the matching process. The following link includes a list of companies and corporations in the USA that offer matching programs; see if your employer is listed here. While employers don’t always match gift to donor-advised funds, a lot of corporate giving programs do! As you’re probably already aware, matching gift guidelines vary by company. Some companies explicitly state their policies on donor-advised funds, while others are less specific. Having said that, there are rarely restrictions on other types of funds regarding matching gifts, like Designated, Field of Interest, and Scholarship Funds. The majority of corporate matching programs support general operating gifts, too.

  • Multiply your giving: By encouraging your colleagues to participate in matching gift programs, you can create a ripple effect, significantly increasing the collective impact of your workplace.

Philanthropy is not just about giving money; it's about making a meaningful difference. Stonewall is here to help you plan your philanthropy effectively, ensuring that your contributions have a lasting impact on the LGBTQ+ community and social justice causes. By choosing to house your fund with Stonewall, our team will partner with you to set clear goals, conduct thorough due diligence, and advise you on the best practices so you can maximize your philanthropic efforts and be part of positive change for years to come. Remember, your philanthropy can be a powerful force for good, and together, we can create a brighter, more equitable future.

Jarrett Lucas