Meet the Board: Rachel Korberg

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Rachel Korberg joined Stonewall’s Board of Directors in mid-2018. An outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ community, and a star fundraiser, we are thrilled to have her working with us. Here’s a bit more about Rachel - in her own words!

 Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Rachel Korberg, and I go by she/her/hers. I work at the Ford Foundation in NYC where I focus on economic justice, good jobs, and the future of work. I spent the previous five years at The Rockefeller Foundation where I led our LGBTQI+ employee affinity group. I was thrilled to join the Stonewall Board several months ago.

You’ve worked in philanthropy, recently at Rockefeller Foundation and now at Ford, as well as serving on our Board. What is it about philanthropy that sparks your passion?

I love having the opportunity to support leaders who are truly on the frontlines of social change and economic justice. I’m passionate about opening up philanthropy and making it more accessible, participatory, and transparent. When I was at The Rockefeller Foundation, I created and led an initiative called the Communities Thrive Challenge that was for groups that were typically overlooked by large foundations. It included a peer review process with over 1000 community leaders who recommended the highest impact, most community-driven work to the funders involved. Part of what drew me to the Stonewall Board was the participatory grant-making process that Stonewall uses.

In some ways, philanthropy is a symptom of our broken economic and political systems in the US. But given the reality of what our country is today and how much is at stake, I believe that philanthropy can and must play a crucial role in being an early “investor” in new, groundbreaking ideas for social change, supporting deeper collaboration between social justice leaders and movements, and serving as a defense against rising threats to our diverse communities.

What makes you feel most connected to LGBTQ New York? 

Dyke March is one of the moments that I feel most connected to queer NYC every year. My wife, dog (who we carry in backpack!), and I always march with an incredible group of friends. Last year was very special because a young family member of mine came out and joined us for the first time.

What do you look most forward to in the upcoming year?

Meeting my kid! I am 9 months pregnant, and my amazing wife Alexia Korberg and I are expecting our baby to arrive any day.

I am also looking forward to Stonewall’s Vision Awards. This will be my fourth year attending, and it’s always wonderful to come together to honor NYC’s queer leaders and celebrate the diverse, fabulous Stonewall community.

Gattlin Miller