Scene & Heard


It’s been a busy Spring for Stonewall, and it’s only just begun. Here are a few things we’ve been working on:

Grantmakers United for Trans Communities. Did you know that - despite the urgent needs faced by transgender folks - for every $100 awarded by US foundations, only 3 cents are specifically aimed at trans communities? We’re working to change that. At Stonewall, nearly two-thirds of our competitive grants focus on the trans community, and we’ve recently signed onto the Grantmakers United for Trans Communities Pledge to encourage foundations to significantly increase their trans-specific funding. Learn more about the GUTC Pledge here.

We recently partnered with ADAY for International Women’s Day. A sustainable technical apparel brand, ADAY generously donated 100% of the profits from their #FutureIsFeminine campaign to support our work. Women have always been at the forefront of the LGBTQ Movement, and we were proud to work with ADAY to highlight the beautiful expansiveness and power of femininity. Take a look at some of the incredible shots from their accompanying social media campaign here.

Stonewall’s Vision Awards are Thursday, June 20th. Taking place just ahead of WorldPride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, Vision 2019 will be an unforgettable evening celebrating some of the incredible leaders in our LGBTQ Movement. Save the date!

Gattlin Miller